Volunteers make a difference!
Lehi’s Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) is trained to help neighborhoods and community prepare for emergencies and disaster recovery during the first 72 hours following an event when professional Emergency Response Teams need assistance.
What If This Happened to You?
Following a major disaster, first responders who provide fire and medical services may not be able to meet the demand for these services. Factors such as number of victims, communication failures, and road blockages will prevent people from accessing emergency services they have come to expect at a moment’s notice through 911. People will have to rely on each other for help in order to meet their immediate life-saving and life-sustaining needs.
What Is CERT?
The purpose of CERT training is to provide private citizens with the basic skills that they will need to handle most of their own needs and then to respond to their neighborhoods’ and communities’ needs in the aftermath of a disaster.
Why Is There a Need?
Each year numerous communities fall victim to some disaster. This may be in the form of an earthquake, hurricane, tornado, blizzard, flood or “man-made” disasters.
When we hear about this or see it on the news, it always seems to be happening to someone else but . . . What if this did happen to you?
CERT Sponsors
Our CERT team is sponsored locally by the City of Lehi, Utah. CERT nationally is sponsored by the Citizen Corps and the Division of Emergency Services & Homeland Security (DESHS) of the Department of Public Safety of the State of Utah.
One key aspect of being prepared is being informed. If we can’t reach you, we can’t alert you!
Sign up to receive notifications from Lehi City via phone, email, cell phone, or text. You can sign up by visiting alerts.utahcounty.gov and filling out the application.

Lehi Utah CERT Program
Phone/SMS: (801) 602-4133
Email: info@lehicert.org
Repeater: 448.925 MHz, -5MHz offset, 100Hz tone
Basic CERT Course
Lehi CERT Active Members
U.S. Disasters in 2022 over $1B
Special Events

Lehi CERT Training Course
September 5, 12, 19, 26, 2024
Lehi CERT will hold its next training course in the Fall. Register below to save a spot. Course fee of $50 covers course material: helmet, vest, goggles & gloves.

Hands-on CERT Mock Disaster
This is the hands-on part of CERT training where students and CERT Team members will participate in a mock disaster to check and hone their skills.
Message from our Lehi CERT Director, Brian Sump
Hello! I have been involved with Lehi CERT for many years, and I’m excited to see how it has grown and developed. We now have a top-notch team of trained volunteers who are ready to respond to help the City. We would welcome all of you to join with us in being prepared and joining in the volunteer efforts to help our friends and families in Lehi.