
Congratulations Graduates!
Congratulations Graduates!Our Lehi CERT team has three new graduates from the CERT Train the Trainer course. The class took place in September over three Saturdays and was attended by students from throughout Utah.
January CERT Team Meeting!
Our January meeting is this Wednesday, January 10th (7PM at the Broadbent room in the Lehi PD building, 128 N 100 E St). Be Ready Utah will be presenting a seminar on Winter Preparedness. We hope all Lehi CERT Team will be there!
No December CERT Team Meeting
Reminder! There will not be a regular CERT team meeting in the month of December. CERT Team meetings will resume on January 10th (7PM at the Broadbent room in the Lehi PD building, 128 N 100 E St). The next CERT Leadership meeting will meet remotely on the first Wednesday (January 3rd) at 8PM. Steve
Meeting location moved!
Don’t forget! TODAY! This month CERT team meeting will not be at the police station. Broadbent room at 7 PM.Instead, feel free to come to Wines Park between 4 and 7 PM. The CERT trailer will be there and we could use help talking to the public about CERT.
Lehi CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) Training Opportunity
The Lehi CERT team is holding certification training that is open to the public. Training will be held from 6-9PM on September 7, 14, 21 and 28th at Lehi Fire Station #82 at 150 W 2600 N. Participants must register in advance at the link below. You must attend all classes to become certified, in addition to a mock disaster drill that will be scheduled later. The course fee is $20. PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) gear is recommended and costs $30. Class size is limited so you must sign up ASAP. Signup...
Lehi CERT BBQ – Aug. 10, 6-8PM, Wines Park
Hi everyone! Our annual Lehi CERT BBQ is fast approaching. This is a great event to mix and mingle with your CERT team members.We hope the entire team can come. Signup link: PLEASE SIGNUP ASAP SO WE HAVE A COUNT FOR FOOD!
Lehi CERT June 13 meeting notes
June 13 Meeting Notes- Opening - Brian Sump and Scott Scott DaBell Flooding status - Good news! Lehi CERT is now a 501(c)(3) - we can accept tax deductible donations, we have a checking account and will set up Venmo. Think of donation items needed and cost and make donation page for those items. Review minutes May meeting on Communication - Steven Mack Review new website. Please check it out! Callout discussion - Brian Sump Callout app GroupMe will no longer be used New app Slack - PLEASE...
Are you a SLACKER?
Hello Lehi CERT! This month’s meeting (on TUESDAY, June 13th) at our normal time (7PM) at our normal place (Broadbent room at the PD) will be focused on Call-outs. We are testing an application called SLACK for Callouts and communications for CERT. It runs on PC/Mac, iOS and Android. Before our meeting time, if you are interested in trying out the application, please download this application (Slack) to your device. If you want to join us in testing Slack, send me your email. I will send you an invitation...