LCARC: The Amateur Radio Club of Lehi CERT
The Lehi CERT Amateur Radio Club (LCARC) is made up of Team members experienced in emergency communications procedures and most importantly radio equipment technology.
LCARC members set up the communications repeaters and also hold monthly “net” checkins for members to practice their communications with other operators.
See below for more information on our ARC net as well as other local networks you can visit.
Ham Radio Communications
Second Wednesday of each month, 2000 hrs (8:00 pm) after our regular CERT team meeting.
448.925 MHz Repeater, -5MHz offset, 100Hz tone
Lehi CERT Radio Program Channel #1
Lehi CERT Radio Program Channel #1
Tuesdays, 21:00 hrs (9:00 pm)
147.34 MHz Repeater, 100Hz tone
Lehi CERT Radio Program Channel #35
Lehi CERT Radio Program Channel #35
Tuesdays, 20:00 hrs (8:00 pm)
147.02 MHz Repeater, 100Hz tone
Lehi CERT Radio Program Channel #9
Lehi CERT Radio Program Channel #9
Classes and more info: http://noji.com/hamradio/study.php